Saturday, April 28, 2007

CONFERENCES and SUMMITS are always great for networking

Conferences are great networking events because they help you achieve several objectives:
1. They are educational and thus are great for personal and professional development. The depth of your knowledge in the field of your expertise will separate your business from competitors or, if you are job seeker, will separate you from other job candidates.

2. Conferences are excellent events to meet potential partners and clients in your field

3. For job seekers conferences are a great chance to meet managers, directors, business owners who actually might have the job you are interested in. When you apply for a job through traditional channels you go through HR department, you don't have a chance to talk to the actual person advertising the position in his department until may be the last interview. But you first have to get to that last interview. At a conference however, you have a chance to network with people the whole day, find out who might have a position of interest, connect with that person directly (not through HR), make a good impression and after the conference you will have an opportunity to follow up on the event and invite the person for a coffee to discuss this issue further.

The up-coming Pay Per Click Summit (will take place in various US locations: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and, of course, Chicago) is a unique opportunity for business development because it is not only great in terms of point 1 & 2 mentioned above it also actually teaches you how to grow business with the help of Pay Per Click strategy. The tools and techniques that will be discussed are good for any business in any industry.

The site of the event is: The summit is coming to Chicago on May 22 and 23.

This particular event may not be ideal for job seekers because it is a bit costly, however, most of the conferences do not charge as much and conferences and summits organized by universities are usually the cheapest in my experience (but as informative as the ones organized by professional associations)

Most helpful Chicago guide

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